Useful customer information

Young couple on laptop

Our 24 hour automated telephone service

We offer a 24 hour automated telephone service. Call us on 01 611 01 72 to:

  • pay your bill using a debit or credit card.
  • check your balance.
  • submit a meter reading.

You'll need your account number, and in some cases your MPRN/GPRN, to use this service.

Visit our Help page for more ways to get in touch.

Emergency phone numbers


If you suspect a gas leak, call Gas Networks Ireland 24 hour emergency line: 1800 20 50 50.

Visit our help section for gas emergency information and phone number in English, Irish, Polish, Russian and Mandarin Chinese.


For any electrical interruptions or emergencies, contact ESB Networks immediately at 1800 372 999 (24 hours).

Blue flame and writing "Bord Gáis Energy"

Direct Debit

Direct debit is the easiest way to pay your bill. The quickest way to set up or manage your direct debit is by signing into your online account. Don't have an account yet? Register now - it's quick and easy.

For more information, see How do I set up a direct debit? and What payment options are available to me?

Alternatively you can print and post the forms below.

Energy generation and trading information

Energy efficiency and green products information