Smart price plans for your home

Family on sofa

Need more zenergy?

Think smart

Whether you want to save by shifting usage to off-peak times or prefer a flat-rate smart plan, we've got options to suit your household.

Take control of your electricity and pick a plan that works for you.

Why switch to a smart plan

Easy usage oversight of your electricity usage and the option to use energy when it costs less aren’t the only benefits of a smart plan. Other key benefits include:

Your Online Account Management will show exactly when you're using energy, helping you optimise for energy efficiency and lower bills.

With different time bands charged at different rates, you can control your electricity usage to manage energy costs.

Choose a plan that fits you, like:

  • Discount weekend plan
  • Standard Smart plan
  • Smart EV plan
  • Smart All Day plan
  • Free time Saturday or Sunday plan

Smart electricity meters eliminate the need for manual meter readings or estimated bills. Enjoy more accurate billing every time.

Please note: If you're a current Bord Gáis Energy customer and move to a smart meter tariff, it’s not possible to revert back to a non-smart tariff or to a traditional meter type due to industry rules for smart metering.

What plans are available?

We’ve custom built a range of plans designed to suit different lifestyles. Our smart plans let you adjust your energy usage to times of the day or week when you'll be charged less for your electricity. 

Smart time bands

If you’re looking for an easy-to-understand smart plan and the same unit rate throughout the day, then the Smart All Day plan may be for you.

This plan splits your usage into four time bands:

  • Day Monday to Friday (8am to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm)
  • Day Weekend (8am to 9pm)
  • Night (9pm to 8am)
  •  Peak (Monday to Friday 5pm to 7pm)

With the Smart All Day plan:

  • You’ll  have the same flat rate across all time periods
  • You can choose to be billed monthly or every two months, and pick the day of the month you want to be billed
  • Your smart meter will collect data every half hour

You'll also be able to view your usage on your online account, and get access to up to 24 months of your historic consumption data via your online account.

Terms and conditions for Smart All Day tariffs

View Smart All Day plans

This Time of Use tariff splits your electricity usage into three time bands: 

  • Day (8am to 11pm) 
  • Night (11pm to 8am)  
  • Peak (5pm to 7pm).  

Each time period has its own price for electricity, meaning you can do more at a time when it costs less. You'll be billed every two months and your smart meter data will be collected every two months.

Terms and conditions for Standard Smart tariffs

View standard smart plans

Discount Weekend is a Time of Use tariff for customers who already have a smart meter installed. The time-of-use bands are: 

  • Day (8am to 11pm except Peak) 
  • Night (11pm to 8am) 
  • Peak (5pm to 7pm) 
  • Weekends (Friday 11pm to Monday 8am) 

Each time band has its own price for electricity meaning you can choose to do more at off-peak times when it costs you less. With the weekend tariff discounts, you are charged a night rate all weekend. Your smart meter data will be collected half-hourly.

You can also choose whether you want to be billed monthly or bimonthly — and even pick the day of the month you're billed. You'll have access to up to 24 months of your historic half-hourly consumption data via your online account.

Terms and conditions for STOD Weekender Tariffs

View weekend discount plans

Have an electric vehicle (EV)? You’ll love the ultra-low-cost time band we’ve created just for charging: 

  • Day (8am to 11pm) 
  • Night (11pm to 8am - excluding the EV band) 
  • Peak electricity times (Monday to Friday 5pm to 7pm)  
  • EV (2am to 5am) 

By using the EV or off peak time slots, you can reduce your load on the electricity grid and contribute to a low-carbon future. 

Your smart meter data is collected half-hourly and you can access up to 24 months of usage history through your online account

Terms and conditions for EV Smart tariffs

View EV plans

Get great savings on electricity sourced renewably with our green plans. For EV charging, we’ve created green EV plans.

All of our green plans come with paperless billing to help you contribute even more towards a sustainable future for our environment.

View green smart plans

Free Time Saturday or Free Time Sunday smart plans offer you a choice of free electricity between 9am and 5pm on either Saturdays or Sundays.  

You can also choose whether you want to be billed monthly or bimonthly — and even pick the day of the month you're billed. You'll have access to up to 24 months of your historic half-hourly electricity consumption data via your online account.

Your smart meter data is collected in 30-minute intervals, and you’ll get detailed information on your energy usage. You can even use your online account to set spend goals, and you'll have access to up to 24 months of your historic half-hourly consumption data via your online account.

Please note, there is a fair usage cap on these plans. 

Terms and conditions for Free Time Saturday or Free Time Sunday tariffs

View Free Time Saturday/Sunday plans

What are Time-of-Use (ToU) and flat rate smart plans?

Time-of-Use (ToU) tariff: These plans offer different electricity rates depending on the time of day or day of the week. With a smart meter, you can save by using energy during off-peak hours when prices are lower.

Smart All Day plans (flat rate): These plans keep things simple with one fixed rate across all time periods—no higher peak charges, just straightforward pricing.

Whether you want to shift usage to save more or prefer a predictable rate, there’s a smart plan to suit your lifestyle.

Browse smart plans

Frequently asked questions about smart plans

With a standard plan you pay one unit rate, during peak and off peak times. With a smart meter, you’ll benefit from dynamic pricing — that means the rate you pay can varies throughout the day. By shifting your usage to off-peak hours, you can significantly lower your energy bills.

Smart meters automatically send readings, so all bills are based on actual use, not estimates. Easy!

You’ll get loads of useful insights into your energy usage, which studies show helps households lower their bills.

To avail of a smart plan, you will first need to have a smart meter installed. Once your standard meter has been replaced by a smart meter, you can sign up to one of our smart plans that best suits your needs.  You will need to have your MPRN to hand, as we will need to verify that you have a smart meter and that it has a suitable connection level for the type of price plan you want to choose.

Note: New customers with Day/Night smart meters can't sign up for a smart plan directly. However, once they switch to us on a standard plan, they will have the option to move to a smart plan later if desired.

If you are a new customer signing up to one of our smart plans, the process takes up to 14 days. Once successfully completed, you’ll receive our Welcome Pack.

If you are an existing customer changing your tariff over to a smart meter tariff, the process takes up to 14 days. Once it is successfully completed, you’ll receive our Welcome Pack.

Smart tariffs include different unit rates depending on when you use your electricity. All tariffs include Day, Night and Peak unit rates. We offer a range of smart tariffs to suit different needs and lifestyles.

The below table is an example* of when the different time bands for day, night and peak apply:



Time band

Time band



Time band

8am to 5pm and 7pm to 11pm



Time band

11pm to 8am



Time band

5pm to 7pm

*Please note: the above time bands apply to our Standard Smart Tariff. Other smart tariffs, such as our Discount Weekend tariff, have different time bands.

You can view and compare our smart plans or find a plan matched to your needs using our Find a Plan tool.

For more detail information on the day, night and peak unit rates that apply to each tariff – visit Our tariffs explained page and scroll down to the smart section.

If you've any queries in relation to this, feel free to get in touch with us by submitting a query online.

If you're an existing Bord Gáis Energy customer and move to a smart plan, it’s not possible to revert back to a non-smart plan. This is due to industry rules for smart metering.

Once your meter configuration code (MCC) is changed to a smart tariff, it can't be reverted back to a flat rate/24-hour tariff. Visit for more information.

However, if you’re not happy with your current smart plan, our Smart All Day plan could be a good fit. It has lots in common with your previous non-smart plan. Smart All Day lets you stay on a smart plan and view your usage online, while still offering one unit rate throughout the day.

For more information on smart meters and smart plans, see our full list of FAQ's in Help.

Learn more about smart meters

Read our 'Ultimate Guide' for all you need to know about smart meters, from how to read your meter to the ESB networks' smart meter upgrade programme and the benefits for customers.

Smart meter guide

For more information on all things electricity, visit our home electricity hub.