Cashla Peaker Plant

Who we are

Bord Gáis Energy is one of Ireland’s leading energy companies since 1976. In July 2014, we joined Centrica plc, a global energy company active across the energy chain. Today, we want to lead the energy transition in Ireland - we have committed to achieving net zero by 2040, and to helping our customers to get to net zero by 2050. 

We’re an integrated energy company which means we make energy, store it, move it, sell it and help maintain it. We provide gas, electricity and home services to more than 730,000 residential and business customers across Ireland.  Our 445MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant at Whitegate, Co. Cork, puts us at the centre of energy security in Ireland, providing up to 10% of the country’s energy.  

Energising a greener, fairer future. We’ve invested €350 million in two 100MW flexible gas peaking plants in Athlone and Dublin, which will help balance the grid and support the growth of renewable energy.  

And we’re building on a heritage of innovation by proposing a new gas-powered peaker plant at a location west of Athenry, County Galway, known as the Cashla Peaker Plant, which will provide flexible electricity generation. 

Why is the Cashla Peaker Plant project important?

Flexible gas generation is recognised as a key part of the energy transition to net zero and energy security. The availability of renewable electricity (such as solar or wind) can be intermittent in nature and as a result, back-up conventional generation is needed to ensure stability and security of supply and to support the growth of renewable generation. The proposed Cashla Peaker Plant will help bridge this gap, by ramping up quickly to meet peak demand. The flexible nature of the plant means that it can be turned on and off to react to these fluctuations in renewable generation.  

The proposed development is in line with the National Development Plan (NDP) 2021-2030, and the Government’s ‘Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply’. The proposed development will consist of a 320-340 MW open cycle gas turbine (OCGT) plant primarily fueled by natural gas supplied from the Gas Networks Ireland national grid. Electrical power will be exported from the plant’s main transformer to the existing Cashla 220kV substation which is operated by EirGrid. 

The proposed location for the new Cashla Peaker Plant is 3.5km west of Athenry, in the townlands of Pollnagroagh and Rathmorrissy. The new plant will be bounded to the west by the M18 motorway and to the south by the M6 motorway. The site location is close to an existing gas transmission pipeline, as well as the existing Cashla 220kV electricity substation.

Map showing location of Cashla Peaker Plant

What are the benefits of the project?

  • Grid Stability and Security of Supply: providing quick start power to react to peaks in demand, ensuring grid stability and security of supply.  
  • Flexibility: the new plant can be switched on or off to balance the grid when demand is high, or generation is low.  
  • Supports Ireland’s Energy Transition: the new plant will act as a bridge technology ensuring a stable transition to more renewable generation without compromising reliability. 
  • Economic Benefits: generates employment during construction and operation, and also attracts investment through the provision of a secure and reliable grid.  

Where are we now?   

The Cashla Peaker Plant project is considered Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) and we intend to submit a planning application to An Bord Pleanála later this year. This planning application will include a robust Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the production of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) to be submitted with the planning application, detailing the possible environmental impacts of the project and the measures that will be put in place to reduce these impacts.  

Having identified a preferred location for the Cashla Peaker Plant, we are currently refining the design proposals in preparation for a public consultation to be held in the Spring/Summer of 2025. In addition, we are engaging with local landowners and residents about the project proposals.  

The timeline below provides an overview of the key project milestones up to the submission of the Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) application to An Bord Pleanála in late summer 2025.   

Timeline graph of activity for Cashla Peaker Plant

Project contacts

To request further information or to speak with a member of the project team contact:  

Telephone: 01 810 80 80 (Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00pm) 
