Cold weather advice hub

Maintain and protect your home year round

Here in Ireland, we’re no strangers to getting four seasons of weather in one day. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your home is protected. Pipes can freeze over in cold snaps, for example, or boilers might not work when it’s time to switch the heat back on.

In this hub, you can:

  • Discover simple tasks to protect your home as the weather gets colder
  • Learn what to do ahead of a storm
  • Find out how to maintain your home all year round.

And if you need some professional support, remember we’re here to help. We’ve been keeping boilers running smoothly and homes cosy for over 35 years.

Cold weather advice hub

Prepare your home for cold weather

There are lots of simple things you can do to protect your home from the cold. We’ve put together some short videos to help you prevent any problems before they happen.

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cup of tea and biscuits
Our video hub

Check out our short videos on how you can maintain a safe, warm and energy efficient home and tackle any issues that arise with the changing weather.

Our services

We offer a wide range of installation and repair services to keep your home safe and warm all year round.

Protecting your pipes

If your pipes freeze, you can end up with no running water, a broken-down boiler or even burst pipes. 

Follow our easy steps to protect your pipes when the temperature drops.

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Frozen pipe

Heating not working? 

If your heating isn’t working, something simple could be causing the issue. We’ve put together some quick and easy steps that’ll hopefully fix the problem and get your heat back on.

Find out more
Turning on heating

Protect your home in stormy weather 

If a storm is on the way, there are a few simple things you can do to prepare your home in advance. And it’s good to know what to do during a storm, to stay safe and avoid any damage to your property.

We’ve put together some short videos on how to protect your home when the weather takes a turn for the worse.

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Kitchen window

Pay As You Go emergency credit

It’s always a good idea to make sure you’ve plenty of credit on your gas and electricity meters, especially ahead of extreme weather when it might be impossible to get to your usual top-up location.

To give you some peace of mind when the weather takes a turn for the worse, all our Pay As You Go meters now have €20 emergency credit, just in case.

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Remember, you can top up your electricity meter online at any time. 

Woman on sofa checking phone