What is an MCC code?
A Meter Configuration Code (MCC) is used to describe the type of electricity meter that you have.
A Meter Configuration Code (MCC) is a code that describes the type or functionality of the meter you have. You can view your MCC at the top right-hand corner of your bill.
For example, a 24-hour meter has a code of MCC01. A day/night meter has a code of MCC02.
Smart meters
Your smart meter is configured based on the type of smart plan you've chosen and the frequency of the data collection from your smart meter.
For example, if you're on our Standard Smart Tariff (SST), then your meter configuration is MCC16. This means your consumption data is collected every two months and displayed in day, night and peak intervals.
If you're on a half-hourly time of use plan (e.g. Free Time, Discount Weekend or an EV plan) then your meter configuration is MCC12. This means your consumption data is collected every half hour and displayed in day, night and peak intervals. This also means you can view your half-hourly usage information on your online account.