What is a carbon monoxide alarm?

Installing a carbon monoxide alarm is highly recommended to keep you safe.

Alarms are no substitute for prevention, but if there’s carbon monoxide in your home, you need an alarm to detect it and alert you. 

Alarms are available in most hardware or DIY shops.  Bord Gáis Energy service engineers can also install an alarm for you during a gas boiler service or repair. You should have one in every room that has a fuel-burning appliance and one within 5m (16ft) of every bedroom. 

Never keep a carbon monoxide alarm after its useful date has expired. A carbon monoxide alarm should not be used as a substitute for a smoke alarm.  

While carbon monoxide alarms may provide an extra measure of warning, they should never be relied on as a substitute for regular inspection and maintenance of your gas appliances, ventilation, and chimneys. 

For more information, see Signs of a Carbon Monoxide Leak and gasnetworks.ie.

In case of a gas emergency,callGas Networks Ireland 24-hour emergency number 1800 20 50 50.