One Stop Shop terminology

To keep things simple for our customers, keep reading to understand the One Stop Shop terminology.

We aim to keep things as simple as possible for you. Here’s some of the most common words you'll hear and what they mean.



One Stop Shop

An organisation approved by the SEAI’s One Stop Shop sponsored scheme who can offer multiple SEAI grants to customers for home energy upgrade works on their home. Bord Gáis Energy is an approved SEAI One Stop Shop organisation.

Home energy upgrade solution

A solution or works that reduce the customers’ energy consumption and improves their home’s energy performance.


A retrofit involves making changes or adding new technologies to an older home, usually to bring it in line with modern standards for energy use and functionality, whilst lowering carbon emissions.

Building Energy Rating (BER)

A way to measure and assess the current energy performance of a customer’s home.

Home Energy Assessment (HEA)

An evaluation of how energy-efficient the customer’s home is. With recommendations on how to make the home more energy-efficient, increase the home’s energy performance resulting in savings on energy spend whilst minimising impacts to the environment.