My electricity bill explained
Please see the information below which will explain your electricity bill.
To understand your electricity bill, check out our video:
Below is a guide to understanding your residential electricity bill. If you’re a group residential customer, your bill may include a summary page at the beginning.
1. Your Balance
This box confirms the current balance of your account and the date your next payment is due. If your account is in credit, you’ll notice a minus (-) before the total digits. There will also be confirmation of your payment method in this section.
2. Your account number, price plan name and contract end date*
This is your account number and the name of the price plan that you’re currently on.
You'll also see your contract end date here. If you're not currently in contract with us, you won't see this line.
3. Meter number and MPRN
This is your meter number and MPRN (meter point reference number). You'll need your MPRN when submitting a meter read.
4. Your bill breakdown
Here you’ll find the unit rates for the energy you’ve used, as well as the taxes and charges applied to your bill.
5. Discounts
If you're availing of any discounts, this is where you'll see the description and value of the discounts that have been applied to your bill. You'll also see when your current discount starts and ends, if applicable*.
6. Total
This your bill total including all charges and discounts.
7. Meter reads and consumption
This is a breakdown of your electricity for this bill. It will be displayed by showing you how many kWh was used on your meter. We’ve three main types of readings:
A – actual reading taken by ESB Networks
C – customer reading you’ve given us
E – estimated reading from ESB Networks
Submitting meter readings will improve your bill's accuracy and ensure you only pay for the energy you use. See How do I submit a reading? for more information.
8. For Level Pay customers only - upcoming payments
Here you’ll see the payments that will be deducted from your account by direct debit in the coming months, along with the dates when payments will be taken. We carry out regular reviews to make sure your monthly payments are in line with the amount of energy you’re using. Any changes to your payments will also be reflected here.
Alternatively, download our bill explainer PDF: Bill explainer PDF
*Contract end dates and discount periods will display on bills issued from 22 June 2023.