How will I know when to get my boiler serviced?

You'll need to have your boiler serviced every year for the duration of your warranty. 

You'll need to have your boiler serviced annually by Bord Gáis Energy for the duration of your 10 year warranty. You'll have a 4-month window in which to have your boiler serviced each year. 

You can check online whether your boiler is due to be serviced, but don’t worry, we’ll also contact you annually to remind you.  

The simplest and quickest way to check if a service is due is by following the below steps:

  • Sign in to your online account. If you don’t have an online account, you can register in just a few quick steps. 
  • Select your Services account. 
  • If your boiler needs to be serviced, you’ll see a note confirming “Annual Boiler Service needed” and a link to book your service.   

sample image of online account