How do I use my emergency credit on Smart Pay As You Go?

Emergency credit is available to use from your online account.

You may avail of an emergency credit if you have a low balance of €5 or less, or you've run out of funds are unable to top up via any of the normal channels.  

Emergency credit is available to use from your online account. You must be registered for an online account to activate the emergency credit. You'll need your account number or MPRN to sign up which you can find on your electricity bill. 

Once activated, €20 credit will be added to your available to use credit balance. Once you've used your emergency credit, the €20 credit will need to be paid back in full out of your next top up, along with any other outstanding charges (consumption or standing charges).

10% of every top-up made will go towards your outstanding debt, so make sure to consider this when repaying your emergency credit. You won’t be able to use the emergency credit again until you have paid it back in full.   

If you’re use a non-smart keypad meter, see What happens if I can’t top up?