How do I book a heat pump service?
You can express your interest in a heat pump service by visiting
Your heat pump should be serviced annually to extend its lifetime and ensure optimal performance.
Once you've submitted your expression of interest, a member of our services team will be in touch within 24 hours.
A heat pump service costs €249 (incl. VAT). A repair and service is €299 (incl. VAT). Payment is made using a debit or credit card over the phone at the time of booking.
Once the service engineer has assessed your heat pump, they’ll advise you if any parts are required. These may be carried in the van as part of general stock and will be fitted with your agreement.
If the parts are not carried in the van, the service engineer will order the part(s) and call later to fit them. In this instance, you'll be charged for the cost of the part(s) and the time (labour) it takes to fit the part(s). You won't be charged a second call-out charge.
Heat pump servicing will be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Some of the key checks will include the following:
- Outdoor unit: general condition
- Noise and vibration
- Check interface for faults
- Clean filters and magnetic Filter
- Clean back up heater
- Check and recharge the expansion vessel
- Check DHW safety valve
- Check and recharge the DHW expansion vessel
- Record energy data
- Check bypass valve and set correctly
- Electrical isolator operational
- Secure electrical connections
- Check for correct supply voltage
- Check compressor running current
- Check operation of crank case heater
- Check fan
- Motor running current
- Any additional checks required to specific makes and models