How can I view my usage on my online account?

Follow the steps below to view your energy usage online. 

  1. Sign in to your online account at  

  2. Select the account you wish to view.  

  3. From your account dashboard, select the ‘Cost & usage’ tab. 

Under the ‘usage’ view, you can see your past usage in kWh for the last 12 billing cycles.  

sample image of cost and usage tab    

In the ‘Usage (kWh)’ box, you can see:

  • Current usage
  • Difference between usage of current bill and previous bill
  • Difference between usage of current bill and bill from same billing period a year ago 

Under the ‘cost’ view’, you can see your previous bill amounts for the last 12 billing cycles. You can highlight any bill on the graph to see the exact amount.  

  sample image of cost view

The ‘Cost in €’ box shows: 

  • Cost of current bill
  • Difference between cost of current bill and previous bill
  • Difference between cost of current bill and bill from same billing period a year ago 


Information for smart plan customers 

If you’re a smart meter customer on a half-hourly (time-of-use) plan, you’ll be able to see your daily, weekly and monthly usage on your online account.  For more information, see How can I view my smart usage online?