My Quarterly Hour bill explained
See below for a guide to understanding your Quarterly Hour (QH) electricity bill. If you're a group customer, your bill may include a summary page at the beginning.

Section A: Your account information
Section B: Your bill summary and electricity usage
Section C: Your rates and charges
Section D: Your bill messages
A: Your account information

1. Your bill address
This is the postal address where we send your bill to.
2. Your account number
This is your Bord Gáis Energy account number/account ID. Have this handy when you are contacting us.
3. Your plan and contract end date*
This is the name of the plan you're on. You'll also see your contract end date here. If you're not currently in contract with us, you won't see this line.
4. Your MPRN
Your MPRN (meter point reference number) is an 11-digit reference number used to identify your electricity meter and connection to the electricity network.
5. Your invoice number
This is the unique invoice number that has been assigned to your bill.
6. Your supply voltage
ESB Networks apply different voltage levels to customers depending on size and location.
7. Your MIC
Your MIC (Maximum Import Capacity) is the upper limit on the total electrical demand you can place on the network system.
8. DG, MCC and Profile
- DG: Your DG (distribution group) code helps us to understand your expected energy consumption.
- MCC: Your MCC (meter configuration code) tells us the type of meter you have.
- Profile: Your profile is a code we use to predict your consumption.
9. Bill issue date
This is the date we issued and sent you your bill.
B: Your bill summary and electricity usage

1. Your electricity usage (from and to period)
This is the duration of time that your bill and charges relate to.
2. Your address
This is the address that we're supplying electricity to.
3. Your usage comparison graph
This graphs show how much electricity you've consumed (kWh) during this billing period in comparison to this billing period last year. Please note this will only be available when 12+ months of usage has been consumed.
4. Your balance summary
This box confirms the current total balance of your account and what date payment of this balance is due by. If your account is in credit you will notice a minus (-) before the total digits. Please note there will also be confirmation included regarding your payment method.
C: Your rates and charges

1. Your bill breakdown (from and to time period)
This is the duration of time that the bill breakdown of your rates and charges relate to.
2. Standing charge
This is a fixed amount for the costs of providing your supply.
3. Rates and charges
You'll see the breakdown of your rates and charges which will confirm how many days you're being billed for and the number of kWh your meter has consumed during this period. We've provided a breakdown below of some possible Pass Through Costs which may appear on your bill:
- Capacity Payments Payment to generators for availability separate from energy production.
- Market Operator Charges
Charges applied to generators and suppliers for the operation of wholesale markets. - Imperfection Charges
Charges applied to recover constraint costs on the network. - Network Transmission use of system charges (TUoS)
Charges for building, maintaining and operating the transmission network. - Network Distribution use of system charges (DUoS)
Charges for building maintaining and operating the distribution network. - Public Service Obligation (PSO) Payment
A Government mandated levy created to support the generation of electricity from sustainable, renewable and indigenous sources. - Section 58 Electricity Tax
For more information on electricity tax you can visit the Revenue website.
4. Your bill total
Beneath the VAT charges, you will see the amount due. This is the total amount of what is due to be debited. If you pay by direct debit, you will see in section B when your direct debit will be taken. If your bill is showing a credit balance, you will see the letters CR to the right of the amount due figure.
5. Your previous bill and our payment received
We will confirm the total amount of your previous bill and what payment was received towards this bill in a minus figure. If the previous bill has not been fully paid, the remaining balance of this bill will be included in your bill total.
D: Your bill messages

1. Other information section
In this section we'll provide you with some helpful information regarding our products and services.
*Contract end dates will only display on bills issued from 20 June 2023.