What is the Microgeneration Export Plan?

Under our Microgen Export Plan, Bord Gáis Energy is offering our customers, both business and homeowners, 18.5 cent per kWh for any excess electricity that they are microgenerating and exporting to the grid. This rate will be offered to both metered and eligible deemed customers. This rate is subject to change. 

If you're a business customer, contact us 01 611 0166 and we'll get you signed up to the plan.

To receive a payment for your exported electricity, you must agree to our Microgen Export Plan terms and conditions. You'll receive a copy of these when you sign up for the plan. 

To be eligible for our Microgen Export Plan:

  • You'll need to be a customer of Bord Gáis Energy for your electricity supply.
  • In addition, you must be exporting electricity to the grid and have submitted an NC6 or equivalent form to ESB Networks to connect your microgenerator. If you're unsure if you've sent an application form, you can contact ESB Networks to confirm this.
  • If you're eligible for a smart meter, you'll need to get one installed by ESB Networks, so that your export volume can be measured.  If you’re not eligible for a smart meter at this time, your export volume will be calculated based on your Deemed Export Quantity.

Please note you'll receive a payment at least 4 times a year, as a credit to your supply invoice.

Deemed customers

Deemed customers are customers who are not eligible under the National Smart Metering Program to have a smart meter installed.  In this case, your export amount will be calculated (deemed) using a pre-determined formula.

If you have a 3 Phase meter, you'll receive a deemed payment, as you're not yet eligible for a smart meter.