How do I read my meter?

Follow our easy step-by-step guides below to learn how to read your meter. 

Submitting meter readings will ensure accuracy of your bills and can help save you money. If you're unsure how to read your meter, check out the videos below, or read on for a detailed step-by-step guide. 

Remember, once you've read your meter,sign in to your online account to submit the reading. If you don't have an online account, you can registernow. Once you've signed in, go to the 'Submit a reading' tab.  

The best time to submit a reading is within 5 days of your bill issue date. You can view your next bill issue date on your online account. 


Please see our videos on how to read your meter: 


How to read your electricity meter

How to read your gas meter


Step-by-step Guides 

Note: Electricity customers may be eligible for a free special read if they've been long term estimated (at a minimum, the last six readings have been estimated). 


24 Hour Revolving Disc Meter 

This meter records your electricity usage on a single register and is installed if you're on an Urban 24 Hour or Rural 24 Hour tariff. 

How to take a reading: 

  • Record the number on the display from left to right
  • Ignore any figures in red or any figures surrounded by a red box 

Note: If you have night storage heaters, you may have two of these meters installed, or a single Day and Night meter. 

 24 hour revolving disc meter 


    Time of Day (Day and Night) Revolving Disc Meter 

    This meter records your daytime and nighttime electricity usage. If you're on a Time of Day tariff, you're more likely to have this type of meter. A separate external time switch is installed to control the tariff (clock is always set to GMT). 

    The meter may have numbers 1 and 2, or the Roman numerals I and II against each register. On all ESB Networks’ meters, ‘1’ is your night consumption and ‘2’ is your day consumption. 

    How to take a reading:

    • Record the number on the display from left to right on each of the registers.

    Note: Ignore any figures in red or any figures surrounded by a red box. 

    time of day revolving disc meter   


    24 Hour Electronic Meter 

    If you're on an Urban or Rural 24 Hour tariff, you'll have a 24 hour meter which may be electronic. These meters record your electricity usage on a single digital display. 

    How to take a reading:

    • Read the figures on the front screen from left to right, and include all digits
    • Meters may display an arrow ->, this is not a decimal point 

    24 hour electronic meter

    Time of Day (Day and Night) Electronic Meter 

    You’ll find a display button on all ‘Time of Day’ (Day and Night) electronic meters. 

    How to take a reading:

    • Push the button to scroll through the information on the screen.
    • ‘2’ will be visible to the left of the Day reading.
    • ‘1’ will be visible to the left of the Night reading.
    • Read from left to right and include all digits.
    • Meters may display an arrow ->, this is not a decimal point. 

    time of day electronic meter


    Elster A1140 Microgeneration (Import /Export) 

    If you've an import/export meter installed for microgeneration, the electronic meter will either have an auto scroll, or you’ll need to press a blue or yellow button to get to the relevant screen. 

    microgeneration meter example   

    How to take a reading: 

    • Push the button (or read auto scroll) to display the information shown above.


    Digital Meter 

     digital meter example 

    How to take a reading:

    • If you've a digital meter where you can directly read the numbers like the diagram above, read the figures as shown from left to right, ignoring the numbers to the right of the comma (or in some meters ignore the numbers in the red box). 


    Dial Clock Meter 

    If you've a dial (clock) meter it will display a series of dials, like the diagram below. The four small dials at the bottom should be read from left to right.  

    How to take a reading: 

    • The position of the pointer on the dial indicates what the reading should be.
    • If the pointer is between two figures, use the lower figure. For example, if it's between 7 and 8, use 7. However, if the pointer is between 9 and 0, use 9.
    • Place the numbers in the corresponding squares on the No Access card (see example below). 

    dial clock meter

    Remember: once you've read your meter, sign in to your online account to submit the reading. If you don't have an online account, you canregister now. Once you've signed in, go to the 'Submit a reading' tab.  


    Smart Meter 

    Once installed, your smart meter will be up and running right away and no further action will be required on your part. Over the following 30-day period your meter will establish its connection to ESB Networks secure communications network.  

    Once this is complete, you'll no longer need to provide regular electricity meter readings, as the meter will communicate directly with ESB Networks.